Village of Johnsburg Summary Judgement Request
The Village of Johnsburg has continued it’s legal maneuvering by filing for a summary judgement and filing more motions to strike and dismiss. They are continuing to spend taxpayer dollars while delaying the resolution of this dispute. One motion the VOJ filed had over 1000 pages of exhibits.
It appears the issue is that there are boats at the yacht club and that the VOJ would like to see the yacht club property used as R1 residential property. It is hard to operate a not-for-profit volunteer-run yacht club and a not-for-profit sailing school without boats. For the past 100 plus years there have been boats at the yacht club.
Good-bye to a historic 100-plus-year fixture in the Village of Johnsburg.
Good-bye to a sailing school that changes lives one sailing lesson at a time.
The “subject property” is the backlot purchased for a nominal fee in 1970 to relieve congestion from club activity in the neighborhood.
The “additional property” is the original club property purchase in the early 1900’s long before there was any zoning in the area.